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  • Writer's pictureFreakyvox

The Post That Would Be First

Let me ease you into this... Freakyvox Paranormal Entertainment Radio... christ, that's a mouthful, huh? Just call it Freakyvox before someone decides our acronym should be FAPPER.

So what and who are we? Well that is actually a rather interesting tale dating back to the age of MySpace. You see, once upon a time, there was a guy named Rob who also happened to be a bargain budget voice-over talent and moonlighted in creepy places armed with a flashlight, some courage and a group of friends who probably didn't realize they were traveling with a guy who thought heading into ancient buildings looking for things that go bump in the night was what he defined as "a good time."

By 2008, Rob created his own "official" group and dubbed it, The Wicked Paranormal Agency. Why wicked? Glad I asked. You see, on one of these little excursions into an abandoned asylum, what was probably just a scared rat made a noise that prompted the response, "that was some wicked paranormal shit right there!" Wicked, being a common sentence enhancer in the lands known as New England, seemed like a perfect fit.

So yadda, yadda, yadda, there is a podcast that has zero to do with the group or the word. Why?

The short version? Groups are made up of people who have lives of their own. Said lives include children, work, adult responsibilities and a constant issue with scheduling. Basically, the group as a whole would find themselves doing an investigation or two a year. In 2012, Rob officially disbanded the group after he moved across the country because on the other end was this hot woman who went on to become his wife.

Don't worry. She knew what she was getting into ;)

In 2016, he briefly brought the group back from the dead in a different medium; a website dedicated to not investigating, but tracking down locations for others. The name was changed to The Wicked Paranormal Road Trip which also tried to become a sort of paranormal news website, but fun fact! A lot of groups out there hate when normal people without overpriced modded cameras get excited about the paranormal because they want to be taken seriously, which is true... but, also who are they to tell a person what interests they can and cannot enjoy? He found out, by interviewing a local group for the website, that some groups don't want you to like the paranormal because they think you'll taint it and discredit their research by being a fan. Meanwhile, they post blurry pictures taken with a long exposure of a moth flying in a graveyard at night and spread it around like herpes telling people they found scientific factual evidence of ghosts. Once he realized that a big problem with the community was an inability to doubt, he closed up shop and went on to get a degree in film and minor in audio engineering.

Fast forward to today.

Rob created Freakyvox as a combination of things, using his various skills to create a show that is part paranormal, part geek culture and infused with some entertainment. Moving on to this more modern way to relay information, he decided that instead of talking about cases or other groups activities, he would just make a show that uses the paranormal as a theme and sometimes, might use the show to discuss and even criticize it. But it's more than just talk radio or news and opinion pieces. It's history and even fictional stories told in ways that add to the entertainment value, all which creates a show with multiple layers.

But to keep this show going strong, we need fans, supporters and yes, even financial contributions that help not only make the show better, but also give Rob the support he needs to give even more. If you choose to just listen, we thank you for being our audience, but if you donate via PayPal or Patreon, you are also helping him keep food on the table, allowing him to do what he loves and give you even more content, making him eternally grateful. Also, I'm Rob. Surprise! I don't actually have the support quite yet to have a personal webmaster, nor would I get one anyway because I'm a Spam and Eggs kind of guy!

Anyway, the show itself will tackle a lot of various subjects that I do hope you'll all enjoy, and as for this blog? Perhaps I'll just use this to expand upon topics from the show or something. I'll find a use for it because as you can see, I don't shy away from typing at length about nothing in particular.

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